



Students are enrolled in the next math course in sequence based on the student’s current year math course. 参考下面的数学课程顺序.








进入六年级的学生, their math course enrollment will be determined by the math course they were enrolled in 5th grade (according to the Source).  附近学校的五年级学生将学习数学5. 他们将在六年级学习数学6.

Note: “>SPS does not endorse the practice of skipping ahead in elementary mathematics; instead SPS endorses all children having the opportunity to be challenged to grow their mathematics learning at their grade level.  除了高能力队列衔接学校, all fifth-grade students are expected to be enrolled in Math 5 for the 2022-23 school year and beyond.

数学级数的例子 从中学开始,包括一年的加速学习机会.

有关 中学课程课程衔接.

Students entering 9th grade will self-enroll for their high school courses online through the Source.  注册过程发生在八年级的春天. 学生将按顺序注册下一门课程.  Students who transfer from another school district should be enrolled in the appropriate next course in sequence based on their educational records and current SPS course progressions.  澄清或咨询, 请向学院和职业准备部门的学校咨询专家咨询.


No. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜按顺序招收下一门数学课的学生.  老师不会为数学课程的注册提供建议.

No. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 does not have normed and vetted standards-based assessments for students to take to be placed into a math class.

No. 辅导和自主学习并不等同于参加校本课程.

如果一个学生在中学- No. 在线课程不等同于完成校本课程.

如果一个学生在上高中 校董会政策 2024 and Superintendent Procedure 2024SP outlines a process for students interested in taking online courses for credit.  任何在线课程都必须得到你所就读学校校长的预先批准.  一般来说,批准是保留在学校大楼不提供的课程. 

Eligibility to enroll into a SPS math course is determined by the prerequisites that have been met and are documented on the student’s transcript.

Students are enrolled in their next math course in sequence rather than being placed into courses based on individual requests.

除了课后辅导和/或志愿辅导之外, 许多学校开设第二节数学课. 

在中学时, all students will be enrolled in a core math class and some students may also be enrolled in a second period of math which could be “Math Empowerment.”  The course will provide supplemental instruction in math content to support student success in the core math class.

在高中时, all students will be enrolled in a core math class and some students may also choose to enroll in a second period of math.  这个支持课程与核心数学内容一致,并在名称上对应.  例如,学生可以选修代数1和代数1实验室.  数学实验课程被视为选修课,计入选修课学分.  并不是所有的高中都提供数学实验室课程.

学校将审查学生的数据,以确定潜在的候选人,以获得额外的支持.  这些数据可能包括更聪明的平衡数学分数, 课程成绩, 以及学生目前就读的学校提供的信息. 


Rising 9th graders will enroll for their high school courses online through the Source in the spring of their 8th grade year.  八年级数学老师将依次通知学生报名参加下一门课程.  为即将升入代数1的九年级学生准备的, 除了代数1课程外,还建议学生注册代数1实验室.  Teachers may provide this advice based on a student’s Smarter Balanced Math score 和/或 course performance.  Students and families can decide if registering for a Math-lab course will align to their high school and beyond plan. 

Families that want to provide math instruction from home can officially enroll their student in home-based instruction.  Families who provide home-based instruction must meet the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) guidelines.  Families would notify 卫生服务系统登记服务 of their intention and provide official home-based instruction records for home school courses using the 意向声明表格. 

Students should not engage in home-based instruction for the purpose of skipping a course in the math sequence offered at their SPS school.

有关家庭教学要求的其他问题,请与家长联系 OSPI 和/或 卫生服务系统登记服务

如果你的学生要转到SPS, please speak with the intaking school principal and counselor for more informing regarding the transfer process.

为兼职家庭为基础的指导, the student and their family should get approval from the principal regarding how the home-based instruction will affect their programming and enrollment at their school.


学生们先学习代数1和几何,然后再个性化他们的数学课程进度.  学生必须获得至少3个高中数学学分才能毕业.  第三个学分应该与你的学生的高中和以后的计划相一致.  Families and students can use the following documents as reference while making course decisions:

高中学生按顺序进入下一门课程.  例如, 一个已经加速了一年并在八年级时完成了代数1的学生, 九年级的学生可以报读几何课吗.  然后,学生可以根据他们的高中和计划选择后续的数学课程. 

完成代数2后,学生有资格学习AP统计学.  学生不需要加速或跳过数学课程,以达到这类 by their senior year.  学生可以选择以下的高中数学课程:

  • 9年级 代数1
  • 10年级 几何
  • 11年级 代数2
  • 12年级 据美联社统计

Students who want to enroll in either AP Calculus AB or AP微积分BC will need one year of acceleration in math.  This acceleration can occur at middle school (by enrolling in 数学7/8 Compacted during 7th grade or doubling up 数学8 and 代数1 in the 8th grade) or high school.  下面是一个从高中代数1开始的学生数学课程进展的例子:

  • 9年级 代数1和几何
  • 10年级 代数2
  • 11年级 荣誉的微积分
  • 12年级 AP微积分BC

与每所学校核实具体的AP数学课程和进度选择. 参观 高级课程和选修课程 查看更多信息.

完成几何课程后, 学生有资格参加IB数学标准水平(IB数学SL)课程.  学生不需要加速或跳过数学课程,以达到这类.  学生可以选择以下的高中数学课程:

  • 9年级 代数1
  • 10年级 几何
  • 11年级 IB数学SL A/B
  • 12年级 IB数学SL C/D

Students who want to enroll in IB Math Higher Level (IB Math HL) courses will need one year of acceleration in math.  This acceleration can occur at middle school (by enrolling in 数学7/8 Compacted during 7th grade or doubling up 数学8 and 代数1 in the 8th grade) or high school.  下面是一个从高中代数1开始的学生数学课程进展的例子:

  • 9年级 代数1和几何
  • 10年级 IB数学SL A/B
  • 11年级 IB数学HL A/B
  • 12年级 IB数学HL C/D

国际文凭课程只在西雅图的三所高中提供, 海豹国际首席执行官:雷尼尔海滩, 和英格. 与每个学校检查具体的IB数学课程和进展选项. 参观 高级课程和选修课程 查看更多信息.

学生可以选修数学课程 运行开始 在11年级或12年级.  Eligibility to enroll in math courses will follow each college’s criteria and may include a placement test, SAT复习, 行为, 或者更聪明的平衡分数, 或检讨正规的棋牌平台排行榜的成绩单.  Students should contact their school counselor in order to officially enroll in the 运行开始 program.

学生可以通过进入大学学习高中数学课程来获得数学学分.  正规的棋牌平台排行榜’ College in the 高中 math courses follow Edmonds College course requirements and prerequisites. Students enrolled in College in the 高中 math courses can earn high school and college credit concurrently. 查看大学在高中课程的每个高中的可用性 高级课程和选修课程 页面.